What to Look for in a Mortgage Broker
Tags: canada mortgages, mortgage rates, homeownership, mortgage approval, mortgage pre-approval, First-Time Home Buyer,
A bank or an independent broker: where should Canadians looking for their first mortgage or those looking to refinance turn? Maybe it’s due to the enormity of the money that they’re hoping someone will lend them, but many people find applying for a mortgage or refinancing to be intimidating and stressful. However, it doesn’t have to be.
Big banks may be the obvious choice, but you have to wonder, when it comes to getting a competitive rate, will the banks be looking out for your best interest, or theirs? Do you want to put your trust in a big bank, or would you rather use the services of a qualified independent brokerage like Canadalend.com?
The choice seems pretty obvious.
Once you have settled on an independent brokerage, your next task is to find an agent. It’s not as easy as it seems. The Internet may be the new yellow pages, but that doesn’t mean you call the first name that pops up in Yahoo! or Google.
When it comes to getting a mortgage, loan, or refinancing, there are a number of qualities you should consider.
Licensed, Personal Attention and Service – Regardless of which province you live in, Canadalend.com agents are licensed professionals. Some so-called bank specialists, on the other hand, are not licensed and have no formal training.
Because you’re potentially borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars, it’s more than a little reassuring to know that your Canadalend.com agent is current with Canadian mortgage financing rules and regulations.
For those who are not comfortable with negotiating or aren’t fully aware of all the different financial products and services, a Canadalend.com agent’s specialized skills and knowledge can make the entire process stress-free.
As a result, a Canadalend.com agent can help you with all aspects of a mortgage, from how much you can afford to borrow, to determining the best mortgage product, to finding ways for you to save money and pay off your mortgage or loan faster.
A Canadalend.com agent can save you time and energy with their personalized, licensed service. Because they’re independent, they can also offer you flexible hours; banks and credit unions, on the other hand…
Products – There are a lot of different financial products and services out there. For the average Canadian, it’s virtually impossible to keep track of everything, especially if you don’t keep up on the economy, interest rates, and mortgage rules and regulations.
Because Canadalend.com agents are licensed professionals and independent, they can shop multiple Canadian lenders and banks, looking for the best products at the best terms and rates. While a Canadalend.com agent has access to a huge number of Canadian home loan products, a bank or credit union only has access to their own institutional products—and will try to sell you one of their products, even if it doesn’t best suit your needs.
Because Canadalend.com agents are independent, you are assured that they will give you impartial advice.
Peace of Mind – There are a lot of brokerage firms to choose from, but no matter how many agents you talk to, you’ll quickly discover that Canadalend.com’s independent, licensed agents are the best in the field.
Make sure you feel comfortable with the agent you’re doing business with. Can they answer all of your questions, and does she or he act in a professional manner?
Be careful of high-pressure sales tactics; you are not under any obligation to continue on with the process. Never agree to a loan you do not understand. If you’re feeling pressured to buy a product, walk away.
At Canadalend.com, we want to make qualifying for a mortgage as stress-free as possible. Your Canadalend.com agent will negotiate on your behalf, getting you the best mortgage rate possible. They will also help you find the best way to pay off your loan quickly and reduce interest payments.
What do you need to look for in a mortgage broker? If you want a mortgage broker that embodies the principles, integrity, and ethics of his or her craft, then look no further than a Canadalend.com agent.
To learn more about Canadalend.com, visit www.canadalend.com .